One that is done, before logging in as the systems user, I edit the registry as follows:
(This is for Win 7 system, but an XP system is very similar)
- On the D:\ create a new folder Users
- Using regedit, navigate to:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
- Edit Profiles Directory from %SystemDrive%\Users to D:\Users
- Log Out of the system
- Login as a new user
This allows the new user to have their information stored on the 2nd partition so that when you want to reinstall everything you can without worrying about losing all your data.
From that same registry key, you can also edit the profile locations of the existing users of the system such that if you already logged in as a user, you can easily change it from the default location. You will just have to look at the subkeys of ProfileList that display GUIDs instead of names and find the one with the appropriate path.